last year i hadn't really thought through what i would do with all the vegetables i planted in my huge garden. sure, we love to eat in my family but we couldn't keep up. we were giving away things to my in-laws, my family and neighbors on both sides of us and still, we had too much. i decided to keep the sharing going by having a party which i named accordingly: the harvest party. it was not only a celebration of my year's harvest but the welcoming of mr. miles morrison. the newest addition to our family. the party was a huge hit and that very day we picked more than enough to feed almost thirty people. you couldn't ask for any fresher than that. we enjoyed: homemade marinara sauce with ziti, roasted zucchini and squash, sauteed green beans, cucumber salad, a large garden salad, pumpkin bread, locally raised and slaughtered ribs and homemade beer. we all sat at a long table and feasted. it was truly one of the most lovely nights i have ever had. family members were chatting away and friends were laughing while interacting with people they had known forever and just met. i felt so much gratitude for the ability to share my work and rewards with such an amazing group of people.
this year, of course, is a little bit more intimidating because there is a standard to live up to. and i will admit, part of me planted this years garden for this party, with all these people in mind. i wanted to plant things that people really love to eat and are easy to cook with. the invitations are out and the party is three weeks away. i decided to hold it a month earlier this year so that i would have a better variety of early vegetables to serve to my guests. while i am still planning the menu (and waiting to see what i have to choose from) i have decided not to go with a plated meal but rather stick to family style. i think, it will allow me to be a better host to my guests and enjoy the night a lot more. plus, there is nothing better than a rustic meal outdoors. we even purchased some fun lanterns to hang outside so that once it gets dark the party doesn't have to stop. this year, we are also celebrating miles' first birthday, which he almost didn't make it to after breaking a bottle of wine this morning. it was our first wine rack disaster and i am sure there will be more to follow.
on a different note, we finally picked up our chicken coop which we had made for our eight chicks! after almost a year of convincing, josh finally agreed that we could buy chickens. they have been living in a tote for the last two weeks and due to their smell, we were more than happy to get them into their new home. they seem to like it in there, it definitely has a lot more space. while i don't think we will have eggs by the harvest party, we will definitely have them by the end of summer. and i couldn't be happier. eggs are one of the items i am most meticulous about and will be thrilled not to have to pay almost five dollars for locally raised, cage free, happy eggs. no worries everyone, i will share the wealth.
well, i'm off to tend to my newest additions in the garden: pineapple sage, lavender, stevia, eggplant, celery, newly seeded snap peas, buttercup squash and pumpkins. i needed to add some things after my broccoli harvest. a few of these items i have never attempted so we will see how they work out. today's mission: talk to josh constantly until he agrees to let me have a goat!